Available for groups only, this course teaches participants to safely service and maintain propane autogas vehicles. It covers both liquid and vapor-injected propane autogas vehicle systems in addition to converted and factory-made propane autogas vehicles. It covers various components such as injection systems, engine design, fuel systems, and electric controls. Participants learn the properties and characteristics of propane autogas and how vehicles are retrofitted to use propane autogas. Participants also learn how propane autogas is produced, benefits and considerations of using the fuel, and appropriate safety practices.
To receive a training estimate and schedule your training, download and complete the WVU FSE Training Request Form and email it to fireservice@mail.wvu.edu.For questions, contact Wendy Batts, WVU FSE Administrative Associate, at (304) 406-7476. If she is unable to answer the call, please leave a message and she will get back to you. Trina Wafle at Fire Service Extension or call her (304) 293-7882