Author: Deimos
New eBay Center Will Run On Fuel Cells July 2012
Clean World Partners Receives $6 million grant, Plans Expansions July 2012
Clean World Partners Receives $6 million grant, Plans Expansions July 2012 The California Energy Commission (CEC) recently awarded a $6 million grant to Clean World Partners to expand its Sacramento based Organic Waste Recycling Center. Upon expansion it will become the first digestion-based Renewable Natural Gas Fueling Station and…
Car2go continues expansion in North America July 2012
Car2go continues expansion in North America July 2012 Car2go North America LLC will expand its car sharing operations in Canada and the United States this summer. Members will have access to 1,300 fuel-efficient smart fortwo cars in all car2go cities within the United States. Car2go will start operations in…
Caltech Chemical Engineers Devise New Way to Split Water July 2012
Caltech Chemical Engineers Devise New Way to Split Water July 2012 Researchers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) recently split water in a nontoxic and non-corrosive way. This series of chemical reactions could provide a possible new route to hydrogen-gas production. A research group led by Mark Davis,…
U.S. Air Force completes Alcohol-to-Jet fuel test flight July 2012
UConn Gets New Fuel Cell Power Plant June 2012
UConn Gets New Fuel Cell Power Plant June 2012 The University of Connecticut, along with the UTC Power and the Connecticut Clean Energy Finance and Investment Authority recently commissioned a new fuel cell power plant at UConn’s Depot Campus that will supply the campus with clean and efficient energy….
Quinsigamond Community College Receives Electric Vehicle Charging Station June 2012

Quinsigamond Community College Receives Electric Vehicle Charging Station June 2012 NAFTC Consortium member Quinsigamond Community College was selected recently to become one of three Massachusetts college campus sites for electric vehicle (EV) charging stations as part of a grant from National Grid. During a special celebration at Clark University’s…
Let's Clear the Air: Preserving CNG System Integrity and Operation June 2012
Let’s Clear the Air: Preserving CNG System Integrity and Operation June 2012 By Stan Martineau, ASE Master Auto, Truck, Advanced specialist, Alternative Fuel CNG specialist Utah State University/College of Eastern Utah, an NAFTC National Training Center As a “CNG person,” I have watched compressed natural gas (CNG) system integrity…
Odyssey 2012 to Kick off in Indianapolis June 2012
Odyssey 2012 to Kick off in Indianapolis June 2012 The National Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) Day Odyssey national media kickoff event will be Oct. 18 in Indianapolis. Hosted by Greater Indiana Clean Cities Coalition, the occasion will serve as the official kickoff for the more than 150 Odyssey events…