About us:

NAFTC is a membership-guided collaboration primarily of two-year community and technical education institutions (CTEs) and four-year institutions of higher education (IHEs) with automotive programs, Education Members, whose mission is to educate new and existing automotive technicians to support the growing industry of alternative fuel and electric vehicles (AFVs/EVs).

Our Goals:

  • Promote safe, clean, efficient over-the-road transportation technologies to move people and goods powered by domestically available energy resources that are alternatives to gasoline and diesel fuel
  • Create the pipeline of future workers needed to support these advanced technology vehicles and related systems through a national education and training program
  • Collaborate with like-minded stakeholders of advanced automotive technologies including alternative fuel providers, original equipment manufacturers, automotive dealers, automotive aftermarket, fleet owners, and government and non-government agencies who promote the adoption of AFV/EVs such as the U.S. Department of Energy Clean Cities coalitions who are eligible to become Stakeholder Members

Our Staff:

Mark Fullen
NAFTC - Executive Director

Mark Fullen is a Professor and Director at West Virginia University Safety and Health Extension. He has a Doctorate in Technology Education from West Virginia University and a Masters in Occupational Safety and Health and Industrial Hygiene from Murray State University. He has over 30 years of practical field and academic occupational safety and health, workforce development and adult education experience. He has conducted applied intervention and field research in the areas of traumatic injury reduction in construction, logging, development and use of mobile technology to collect fall and electrical hazard data, and utilizing new training methods to educate to hard-to-reach workers and owners.

Julian Orrego
NAFTC - Associate Director

Julian is the Associate Director at the National Alternative Fuels Training Consortium (NAFTC), where he has served since 2011. He holds a degree in Digital Media and Internet Interactive Systems from the University of Central Florida. With a strong background in simulation and training, Julian has contributed to serious game projects for public education and the U.S. military. He has managed multiple successful initiatives and produced award-winning educational and promotional videos for NAFTC. Skilled in emerging technologies including mobile applications and Virtual Reality, Julian also led the development of NAFTC’s first Learning Management System and led the development of its first member centered online resource center - NAFTC Learning Center


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Tyler Doty
NAFTC - Full stack Developer