Learn More


  1. The Learning Center

  2. The Learning Center is NAFTC’s digital platform that provides resources and training materials for automotive programs and instructors. It features the library, instructor community, and the option to create classes for NAFTC members.

    Why a Learning Center?

    The learning center was created to allow for easier and more convenient content distribution among NAFTC members. We want to make learning material more accessible and collaborative between organizations so that we can better learn from each other, and keep all curriculum as updated as possible. The Learning center accomplishes this by giving the community a way to share and distribute material, as well as allow asynchronous discussion to make things as good as they can be.

    Sign up for a free account today!

    1. Library
      1. Visitors (Free): Visitors mapy view several titles, but they can only access the first module.
      2. Instructors (Members only—membership and subscription fees apply): The library provides training manuals that instructors may use to help teach their courses.
        Students (Members only—membership and subscription fees apply): There are student versions of each manual that students may use to study and learn.
    2. Community
    3. Use this community to collaborate with other organizations and instructors. You may upload any useful materials and discuss all things alternative fuels. (Instructor members only—membership fees apply)

    4. Classes
    5. Instructors create classes into which library materials may be added to share content with students. (Education Member instructors and students only—membership and subscription fees apply)

  3. Membership
    • Anyone can create a free account to access publicly available items stored in the Learning Center. To access everything, however, you must have a NAFTC membership.
    • The membership is on a department-level basis and allows all automotive instructors access to the Community.
    • With a paid annual subscription, instructors have access to all Library materials.
    • With an additional fee per class seat, students also have access to Library materials.
    • To apply, see apply for membership. Instructions are listed through the link.

Quick Start

  1. Create free account

  2. Login button

    1. Go to the Learning Center Home page. See “Sign Up” at the top right.
    2. Click the sign-up button.
    3. Fill out the pop-up form and agree to the Terms and Conditions.

      Sign up form

    4. Click “Register.”
    5. Check your inbox for an email from NAFTC with the subject line “Please verify account.”

      Email verification -verify my email

    6. Click “Verify My Email.”
    7. Set up two-factor authentication on your cellphone.

    a. iPhone

    Scan QR code

    1. Scan the QR code.
    2. Click the link.
    3. Enter a password and save it to your device.
    4. When logging in to the Learning Center on a computer, open your iPhone settings.
    5. Access your iPhone’s saved passwords.
    6. Open settings.
    7. Click “Passwords.”
    8. Click NAFTC Learning Center.
    9. Find the Verification Code section.
    10. Enter this code into the Verification Code box on your computer.
    11. Click “Submit.”

    b. Android

    1. A pop up will instruct you to enable two-factor verification.

      Duo Factor Authentication

    2. Click “Enable.”
    3. Enter your password into the Password box to verify.
    4. A second pop up will instruct you to enable two-factor verification.
    5. Click “Enable.”

      Duo Factor Authentication codes

    6. Scan the QR code with your phone.
    7. Click the link that pops up on your phone.
    8. Enter a name for your account.
    9. Click “Next.”
    10. Click the email account attached to your account.
    11. If using Duo, a pop up will ask for access to your account; allow it.
    12. You will receive a pop up stating that you successfully registered for an account.

    Account verified

  1. login

  2. Login button

    1. Go to the Learning Center Home page. See “Log In” on the top right.
    2. Click the Log In button.
    3. Enter your email into the E-Mail Address box and password into the Password box.
    4. Click “Log In.”
    5. Login form

    6. Check phone for verification code.
    7. Provide the verification code.
    8. verification code

  1. navigation bar

    • Home opens the welcome page, which provides brief descriptions of the Library, Instructor Community, and Event Calendar.
    • Dashboard opens the curriculum library, which includes training manuals and a search bar that allows you to search for materials.
    • Library opens the Instructor Community, which features the Alternative Fuels and Organizations channels, groupings of similar content.
    • Community opens the Instructor Community, which features the Alternative Fuels and Organizations channels, groupings of similar content.
    • Events opens the Event Calendar, which displays the information for NAFTC events.
    • Pricing opens the page that lists the prices for each membership option.
    • Contact Us opens a form you can fill out to send a message to the NAFTC.
    • Give Feedback opens a page where you may give comments or suggestions about the Learning Center.
    • Learn More opens the Quick Guide, which provides instructions on how to use the Learning Center.

  1. Report an Issue

    1. Report a post or library title
      1. Open the post or Library title.
      2. Click the kebab (three vertical dots) in the upper right.
      3. reporting function

      4. Click “Report a Problem.
      5. Enter a title in the Title box.
      6. Enter the report into the Description box.
      7. reporting form

      8. Click “Submit.”
    2. Report a problem or ask a question
      1. Click “Contact Us” in the navigation bar.
      2. Enter your first and last name into the Name boxes.
      3. Enter your email into the Email box.
      4. Select an inquiry type from the Inquiry Type dropdown box.
      5. Enter a subject into the Subject box.
      6. Enter the problem or question into the Message box.
      7. Contact us

      8. Click “Submit.”
    3. Make a suggestion or comment about the Learning Center:
      1. Once logged in, click “Give Feedback” in the navigation bar.
      2. Enter a title into the Title box.
      3. Enter your suggestion or comment into the Description box.
      4. Click “Submit.”
      5. Contact us

User Roles

  1. Visitor

    • Users with free accounts are initially marked as visitors.
    • Visitors have access to the public materials stored in the Learning Center.
    • Visitors see available Library titles but may not view the contents.
    • Visitors may request instructor access from their organizations.
    • Visitors may redeem a class code to gain student access.
  2. Student

    • Visitor accounts are marked as student when the user redeems a class code.
    • Students have access to the materials included in their classes.
    • Student manuals from the Library are made available to students through their classes.
    • Visitor Landing Page

  3. Instructor

    • Instructors’ organizations must be NAFTC members.
    • Instructors must request instructor access from their organizations. Once approved, their visitor accounts are marked instructor.
    • Open the Home page.
    • Click “Request Instructor Access.”
    • Wait for your organization to approve the request.
    • Request instructor access

    • Instructors can access all Learning Center materials.
    • Instructors can access the full library with an annual subscription fee.
    • Instructors can access the Instructor Community.
    • Instructors can create classes.
  4. Organizational Administrator

    • An organizational administrator may be a head chairman, a department supervisor, etc.
    • Organizational administrators are responsible for maintaining their organization’s presence on the Learning Center.
    • To become an organizational administrator:
      1. Sign up for a free account (see Create a free account).
      2. In the Organization box, click “organization not listed.”
      3. organization box

      4. The organization lists this email when joining the NAFTC.
    • Within the Instructor Community, an administrator has control over their organization’s page in the Organizations channel.
    • Administrators can add instructors to their organizations.
    • Administrators can remove instructors from the organization.

Curriculum Library

  1. Content

    • The Library houses NAFTC’s collection of educational materials, including manuals, PowerPoint slides, tests, and shop exercises.
    • Manuals are only available online, but supplementary materials may be downloaded for offline use.
    • Free
      • Some manuals are accessible by anybody with a free account.
      • Users can only read through the first module of these manuals; the full manuals require a subscription to view.
    • Instructors
      • Instructors can access every library title and add them to collections or classes.
      • Instructor manuals include informative text and are accompanied by PowerPoints, tests, links to helpful videos, shop activities, participant forms, and videos.
    • Students
      • Students have access to student manuals and content added to their classes by their instructor.
      • Students only have online access.
  2. Functions

    • View Content
      1. Click “Library” in the navigation bar.
      2. Click the title you want to view.
      3. Use the Table of Contents on the left to browse the contents of the text.
      4. Use the arrowheads in the top middle of the page to switch pages.
      5. Library menu button

    • Search
      1. Click “Library” in the navigation bar.
      2. Locate the Search bar below the Curriculum Catalog.
      3. Enter keywords into the Search bar.
      4. Click “Search.”
      5. Alternatively, click “View Tags” on the right to see a list of tags.
      6. Click a desired tag to show related titles.
    • Download
      1. Click “Library” in the navigation bar.
      2. Open the desired title.
      3. Find the module you want to download.
      4. Click the button that looks like a paper with a downward arrow.
      5. The full module will be downloaded to your computer.
      6. Downloaded content is watermarked to protect NAFTC property.

        watermarked document

    • Offer comments about specific content
      1. Click “Library” in the navigation bar.
      2. Open a title.
      3. Click “Comments” in the top left.
      4. text comment feature

      5. Highlight the text for which you are making a comment.
      6. Click “Insert Text.”
      7. Enter your comment into the Comment box.
      8. Click “Submit.”
      9. Refresh page to view comment.
    • Add content to classes
      1. Click “Library” in the navigation bar.
      2. Scroll past the Search bar.
      3. search bar

      4. Locate the title you wish to add to your class.
      5. Click the kebab (three vertical dots) on the right.
      6. Click “Add to Class.”
      7. Select a class from the Select Class drop box.
      8. Select a folder from the Select Folder drop box.
      9. Click “Submit.”

Instructor Community

  1. Instructors from active NAFTC Education Members use the Community to network and post relevant information for the use of all instructors. Posts may include training tips, update suggestions, teaching materials, and others.
  2. Channels

    community channels

    • Alternative Fuels – provides a space for instructors to share resources and discuss topics about alternative fuels.
    • Organizations – lists every Education Member along with their contact information and website links.
    • General channel – provides a space for any questions or discussions that don’t fall under an alternative fuel category. (Found within the Alternative Fuels channel)
  3. Sharing Content

    1. Click “Community” in the navigation bar.
    2. Go to the Alternative Fuels channel. Here there will be a list of six fuel types and different topics associated with them.
    3. channel topics

    4. Click on the fuel type and topic that your content fits into.
    5. Click “New Post” in the top right corner.
    6. new post

    7. Enter a title in the Title box.
    8. post form

    9. Enter the content in the Description box.
    10. Upload any media or files with the Choose Files button.
    11. Make sure that all content abides by the terms and conditions.
    12. Click “Upload.”
  4. Removing Content

    1. Content can only be removed by NAFTC HQ. If you notice any content that violates the Terms and Conditions or is offensive, follow these steps to have it removed:
    2. Open the content you want removed.
    3. Click the kebab in the upper right corner.
    4. Click “Report a Problem.”
    5. Enter a title in the Title box.
    6. Enter why the content should be removed in the Description box.
    7. Click “Submit.”
    8. The report will be reviewed by the NAFTC HQ.


Classes allow instructors to share Library materials and Community content with students. Instructors can create and customize classes to fit any alternative fuel classroom setting.

  1. Create a class

    1. Click “Dashboard” in the navigation bar.
    2. Click “My Classes” on the left.

    1. Click “Create Class” in the upper right corner.

    1. Enter a name into the Class Name box.
    2. Enter a description of the class into the Description box.

    1. Select the number of months for which the class will be available.
    2. Click “Create.”
    Locate access key
    1. Click “Dashboard” in the navigation bar.
    2. Click “My Classes” on the left.
    3. Select a class.

    1. Access key is located on the left under “Access Key.”
    Add Library content to class
    1. Click “Library” in the navigation bar.
    2. Click the desired content.

    1. Click the kebab to the right of the title.
    2. Click “Add to Class.”

    1. Select a class from the Select Class drop box.

    1. Select a folder from the Select Folder drop box.
    2. Click “Submit.”

    Create a folder

    1. Click “Dashboard” in the navigation bar.
    2. Click “My Classes” on the left
    3. Click the class for which you want to create a folder.

    1. Click the envelope with a plus sign to the right of “Folders.”
    2. Enter a title into the textbox.
    3. Click “Create.”

  2. Create a collection

    1. Click “Library” in the navigation bar.
    2. Find the content you want in a collection.
    3. Click the kebab in the upper right corner.
    4. Click “Add to Favorites.”

    1. Name a new collection.
    2. Click “Submit.”

  3. How to Delete a Class

    1. Click “Dashboard” in the navigation bar.
    2. Click “My Classes” on the left.
    3. Click the class you want to delete.
    4. Click “Delete” beside the class’s title.

    1. Click “OK.”

  4. Remove Content

    1. Click “Dashboard” in the navigation bar.
    2. Click “My Classes” on the left.
    3. Open the folder from which you need to remove content.
    4. Find the content you want to remove.
    5. Click the kebab (three vertical dots) in the right corner.

    1. Click “Remove Item.”
  5. Upload Material

    1. Click “Dashboard” in the navigation bar.
    2. Click “My Classes” on the left.
    3. Open the folder into which you want to upload material.
    4. Click “Upload Material” in the top right.

    1. Enter a title into the Title box.
    2. Enter a description into the Description box.
    3. Click “Choose Files” to upload files from your device.
    4. Select the file from your device and click “Open.”
    5. Check the box of each user role to enable access to content appropriate for them.
    6. Agree to the Terms and Conditions.
    7. Click “Submit.”

Event Calendar

  1. View Events

    1. Click “Events” in the navigation bar.

    2. View events.
      1. Enter the name of an event into the Search bar and press “Enter” on your keyboard.
      2. Use the Topic drop box to filter the events by topic.
      3. Use the Mode drop box to filter by in-person, online, or hybrid.
      4. Click a date on the calendar to see events planned on that day.
  2. Schedule Events

    1. Click “Events” in the navigation bar.
    2. Click “New Event” below the calendar.

    3. Enter a title into the Event Title box.

    4. Select the type of event from the Topic of training drop box.
    5. Select the mode of the event from the Select modality drop box.
    6. Enter a registration link into the Registration link textbox.
    7. Enter a description into the Event Description textbox.
    8. Enter the date and time the event will start into the Start Date and Time box.
    9. Enter the date and time the event will end into the End Date and Time box.
    10. Click “Create Event.”


  1. My Info

    • This lists your name, email, organization, organization administrator, and the date your membership expires.
    • To change your name, enter your first name into the First Name box.
    • Enter your last name into the Last Name box.
    • Click “Update.”
  2. My Classes

    • This tab holds your classes, folders, and class materials.
    • You can add materials from the Library to classes.
    • You can also remove materials from classes in this tab. (See Remove Content)
  3. My Favorites

    • This tab holds your collections.
    • Add materials from the Library to a collection.
    • Collection titles can be edited.
    • Collections can be deleted.
    • Materials cannot be removed from a collection.
  4. My Notifications

    • This tab stores all the notifications you receive through the Learning Center.
    • The notifications cannot be cleared.
  5. Directory

    • The directory lists all organizations with NAFTC memberships and their instructors.
    • The instructors are listed alphabetically by last name with their emails and organizations.
    • There is a search bar at the top that can be used to search for instructors.
  6. Organization Page

    • This tab opens within the Instructor Community.
    • It opens to the organization to which your account is attached.
    • Organization Administrator
    • Organization administrators have two extra tabs within the dashboard: Manage Organization Information and Manage Organization Users.
  7. Manage Organization Information

    • This tab allows an organization administrator to edit their organization’s information.
    • The organization name and description can be changed here.
    • There is a Renew Membership button located here.
  8. Manage Organization Users

    • This tab allows organization administrators to approve, deny, or remove users as instructors for their organization.

Give Feedback

  1. Report a problem

    • Click “Give Feedback” in the navigation bar.
    • Enter a title into the Title box.
    • Enter the report into the Description box.
    • Click “Submit.”
  2. Give a suggestion

    • Click “Give Feedback” in the navigation bar.
    • Enter a title into the Title box.
    • Enter the suggestion into the Description box.
    • Click “Submit.”

Terms and Conditions

  • The Terms and Conditions must be agreed to when signing up for an account.
  • To access them, click “Terms and Conditions“ at the bottom of any Learning Center screen.

Give Feedback

  1. Report a problem

    • Click “Give Feedback” in the navigation bar.
    • Enter a title into the Title box.
    • Enter the report into the Description box.
    • Click “Submit.”
  2. Give a suggestion

    • Click “Give Feedback” in the navigation bar.
    • Enter a title into the Title box.
    • Enter the suggestion into the Description box.
    • Click “Submit.”

Terms and Conditions

  • The Terms and Conditions must be agreed to when signing up for an account.
  • To access them, click “Terms and Conditions“ at the bottom of any Learning Center screen.

National Alternative Fuels Training Consortium

Chestnut Ridge Research Building
P.O. Box 6229
886 Chestnut Ridge Road | Morgantown, WV 26506
P: (304) 293-7882
E: naftc@mail.wvu.edu

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© 1992-2021 NAFTC. West Virginia University is an EEO/Affirmative Action Employer -- Minority/Female/Disability/Veteran.