The NAFTC hosts membership meetings, or Expos. We make every effort to hold them in the western U.S. as well as in the east. Typically lasting one to three days, these Expos feature training about topics related to alternative fuels and alternative fuel vehicles. These events are free for NAFTC members, and for a nominal fee open to individuals and colleagues in organizations such as the Clean Cities Coalition. Lunch and dinner are included each day and participants are encouraged to attend a field trip on the final day. Recent Expos have been held in:
  • Orlando, Florida, with a focus on propane-powered vehicles.
  • Morgantown, West Virginia, with a focus on electric mass transit and grant writing for external funding.
  • Las Vegas, Nevada, with a focus on second responders and AFVs. This meeting was held prior to the SEMA/AAPEX Show with all members getting free admission to the show.
Note that the Covid-19 situation has resulted in the NAFTC Expo for this summer being moved to an online format.

Americorps NCCC team
members helped with Odyssey 2014 on the National Mall in Washington, DC


Odyssey is the largest, nationwide event dedicated to educating the public on alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles.
Odyssey was developed in 2002 by the National Alternative Fuels Training Consortium (NAFTC) a program of West Virginia University. The NAFTC has conducted the event biennially since its creation, with the exception of moving the 2016 event to 2017. Odyssey is comprised of numerous green transportation related events coordinated and hosted by NAFTC members, Clean Cities Coalitions, and others who believe in cleaner, more energy efficient forms of transportation. These local events take place throughout the U.S. and internationally. Visit our National AFV Day Odyssey website for more information – AFVDAYODYSSEY.