NAFTC Updates
NAFTC Adds Newly-Designed Bi-Fuel Engine Performance Trainer to Upcoming Trainings

To understand how to repair a vehicle, you need to see how it works. In December of 2017, the National Alternative Fuels Training Consortium (NAFTC) received a training tool to assist in the education of automotive technicians on maintaining, troubleshooting, and repairing propane autogas vehicles. The Bi-Fuel Engine Performance Trainer…
Training Resource Gets a One-of-a-Kind Makeover

The National Alternative Fuels Training Consortium and ICOM North America, a leader in propane autogas conversion systems have teamed up to create a one-of-a-kind vehicle and an investment for future NAFTC students. This summer, ICOM converted the NAFTC Hybrid Electric Vehicle Training Educator to run on propane autogas in addition…