The Future is Electric–with Class 1 to Class 8 EVs

So, What’s Holding You Back?

Lack of EV Training!

Electrification of transportation is picking up speed. Lower overall O&M costs, increased driver satisfaction, no local air emissions, and longer-lasting batteries are some of the enticements.

While we can clearly see this future, it has its challenges. For instance, automotive and diesel technicians must know how to safely maintain EVs.


With Your Sponsorship, We Can Create EV Training

For nearly 30 years, NAFTC has been developing curricula and offering training for advanced and alternative fuel vehicles. We have turned our attention to a proposal for the U.S. Department of Energy to create: “EV Curriculum Development for New Class 1 through Class 8 Electric Drive Vehicles—A Multi-Pronged Approach for Pre-Service and In-Service Technicians.”

The project is a partnership of:

  • NAFTC member colleges across the nation
  • Clean Cities coalitions around the country
  • OEMs
  • Other EV stakeholders

The project will:

  • Serve the educational needs of current and prospective automotive and diesel technicians
  • Update NAFTC’s light-duty EV training curriculum
  • Create and disseminate new training curricula about medium- and heavy-duty EVs
  • Deliver training using a combination of online, webinar, and hands-on, face-to-face formats to limit the time working technicians must spend away from the job site
  • Build and strengthen NAFTC’s nationwide training network
  • Create a stakeholder forum for dialogue about the electrification of transportation


Select your desired sponsorship level to learn about the benefits:

Light Duty Sponsorship

*$5,000 per year for 3 years

Click here to see the perks

Medium Duty Sponsorship

*$15,000 per year for 3 years

Click here to see the perks

We can’t do this work without financial support. U.S. DOE covers half the cost of the program. Sponsors will allow us to meet the U.S. DOE’s $1-for-$1 cost sharing requirement.


Your sponsorship will only happen if our proposal receives an award from the U.S. DOE. All we need now is your pledge letter in time for the proposal by April 17, 2020.

  1. Download the letter of commitment  


  2. Cut and paste it onto your letterhead
  3. Edit it based on your sponsorship selection
  4. Sign it
  5. Save it as a .pdf file.
  6. Email the .pdf letter to:Trina Wafle, NAFTC Interim Director,
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Trina Wafle

NAFTC Interim Director, (304) 293-6038,


NAFTC Curriculum & Outreach Coordinator,  (304) 293-7882,

Trina Wafle

NAFTC Business Management, (304) 293-7882.

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