NAFTC In the News

NAFTC Interim director and long NAFTC member David Favre,  dean of transportation at Wake Tech, North Carolina's largest community college were interviewed by CBS News reporter, Kara Corte (covering climate change and energy). The topic of the interview: The future of the auto industry is electric. Will mechanics be out...

Sparking Change, WVU Fire Extension Sets FDIC Ablaze with Electric Vehicle Training Excellence!

Thrilled to share that our esteemed first responder partner, the WVU Fire Extension Service, recently showcased their dedication and expertise at the prestigious 2024 FDIC International, the apex event for firefighters across the world. Amidst the fervor, they delivered a remarkable series of five trainings on 'Electric and Hybrid Vehicle...

Congratulations to NAFTC member Columbus State Community College Prof. Steve Levin and his student crew on their second place finish with their partner, The Ohio State University, in the US Dept. of Energy’s Battery Workforce Challenge Year One competition. Learn more…(link to DOE story)